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Involvement of Methoprene-tolerant and Krüppel homolog 1 in juvenile hormone-mediated vitellogenesis of female Liposcelis entomophila (End.) (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae)
Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1002/arch.21973
Bin-Bin Yang 1 , Shi-Yuan Miao 2, 3 , Yu-Jie Lu 1, 2, 3 , Sui-Sui Wang 1 , Zheng-Yan Wang 1 , Ya-Ru Zhao 2

Methoprene-tolerant (Met) as an intracellular receptor of juvenile hormone (JH) and the Krüppel-homolog 1 (Kr-h1) as a JH-inducible transcription factor had been proved to contribute to insect reproduction. Their functions vary in different insect orders, however, they are not clear in Psocoptera. In this study, LeMet and LeKr-h1 were identified and their roles in vitellogenesis and ovarian development were investigated in Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein). Treatment with exogenous JH III significantly induced the expression of LeKr-h1, LeVg, and LeVgR. Furthermore, silencing LeMet and LeKr-h1 remarkably reduced the transcription of LeVg and LeVgR, disrupted the production of Vg in fat body and the uptake of Vg by oocytes, and ultimately led to a decline in fecundity. The results indicated that the JH signaling pathway was essential to the reproductive process of this species. Interestingly, knockdown of LeMet or LeKr-h1 also resulted in fluctuations in the expression of FoxO, indicating the complex regulatory interactions between different hormone factors. Besides, knockdown of both LeMet and LeKr-h1 significantly increased L. entomophila mortality. Our study provides initial insight into the roles of JH signaling in the female reproduction of psocids and provided evidence that RNAi-mediated knockdown of Met or Kr-h1 is a potential pest control strategy.


Methoprene-tolerant 和 Krüppel 同系物 1 参与雌性 Liposcelis entomophila 保幼激素介导的卵黄发生(完)(Psocoptera:Liposcelididae)

作为保幼激素 (JH) 细胞内受体的甲氧普林耐受性 (Met) 和作为 JH 诱导转录因子的Krüppel-homolog 1 ( Kr-h1 ) 已被证明有助于昆虫繁殖。它们的功能在不同的昆虫目中有所不同,但在 Psocoptera 中尚不清楚。在这项研究中,鉴定了LeMetLeKr-h1 ,并在Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein) 中研究了它们在卵黄发生和卵巢发育中的作用。用外源性 JH III 处理可显着诱导LeKr-h1、LeVgLeVgR的表达。此外,沉默LeMetLeKr-h1LeVgLeVgR的转录显着降低,破坏了脂肪体中 Vg 的产生和卵母细胞对 Vg 的摄取,最终导致生育力下降。结果表明,JH信号通路对该物种的繁殖过程至关重要。有趣的是,LeMetLeKr-h1的敲低也导致FoxO表达的波动,表明不同激素因子之间存在复杂的调节相互作用。此外,LeMetLeKr-h1的敲低显着增加了L. entomophila死亡。我们的研究初步了解了 JH 信号在 psocids 雌性繁殖中的作用,并提供了 RNAi 介导的MetKr-h1敲低是一种潜在的害虫控制策略的证据。