Word & Image ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1080/02666286.2021.1980352 Steven H. Wander
The participation of the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in the imperial triumph of 71 CE at Rome, following the subjugation of Judaea, is a matter of debate; but his account in the Bellum Judaicum along with the relief on the interior south wall of the Arch of Titus document the event for posterity. While Josephus wrote immediately following the Flavian triumph, the completion of the monument only postdates the death of Titus on 13 September 81. After the passing of a decade, it remains uncertain what sources of information were available to the sculptors of the panel of the Spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem. There are striking similarities between features of this relief and passages from the writings of Josephus. As has been remarked in the past, craftsmen at the Arch of Titus may have had access to a copy of the Jewish War with its description of the Flavian Triumph, which Josephus delivered to Titus and Vespasian before the latter’s death in 79. Moreover, there is close agreement between objects depicted on the sculpted frieze and the text of the Jewish Antiquities, which was only to reach the public many years later in 93–94. The appearance of these items in the sculpture would seem to depend on an early version of the Antiquities and for this reason should be attributed to the intervention—in one form or another—of Flavius Josephus himself.

弗拉维乌斯·约瑟夫斯(Flavius Josephus)和提图斯拱门上耶路撒冷圣殿的战利品饰带
在征服犹太之后,犹太历史学家弗拉维乌斯·约瑟夫斯 (Flavius Josephus) 参与了公元 71 年罗马帝国的胜利,这是一个有争议的问题。但他在Bellum Judaicum中的记载以及提图斯拱门内南墙上的浮雕为后代记录了这一事件。虽然约瑟夫斯在弗拉维安胜利后立即写信,但纪念碑的完成只是在 81 年 9 月 13 日提图斯去世之后。十年过去了,仍然不确定战利品小组的雕塑家可以获得哪些信息来源从耶路撒冷的圣殿. 这幅浮雕的特征与约瑟夫斯著作中的段落之间有着惊人的相似之处。正如过去所说,提图斯拱门的工匠可能已经获得了一份犹太战争的副本,其中描述了弗拉维安的胜利,约瑟夫斯在提图斯和维斯帕芗于 79 年去世之前将其交付给了后者。此外,还有雕刻的楣上描绘的物体与犹太古物的文字之间存在密切的一致性,这些文字只是在多年后的 93-94 年才出现在公众面前。这些物品在雕塑中的出现似乎取决于早期版本的古物,因此应该归因于弗拉维乌斯·约瑟夫斯本人以一种或另一种形式的干预。