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Synthesis and characterization of Sm, Dy and Er-doped β-Ca3(PO4)2 phosphors
Chemical Papers ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-10-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s11696-022-02497-2
Saloni , Puneet Kaur , Suruchi Sharma , Atul Khanna

1 mol% Re2O3–99 mol% Ca3(PO4)(Re = Sm, Dy and Er) powder samples were prepared by solid-state sintering method. The structural, thermal, vibrational and optical properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Raman and photoluminescence techniques. XRD studies confirm the formation of β-Ca3(PO4)with the rhombohedral crystal structure. FESEM images reveal the formation of flake-like agglomerated particles of size in the range of 100–700 nm. DSC analysis shows that β-TCP → α-TCP structural phase transition occurs at 1286 ºC, followed by α-TCP → α'-TCP transformation at 1469 ºC. Raman spectra of the samples show antisymmetric and symmetric stretching and bending vibration bands of P-O linkages. Photoluminescence studies found intense reddish-orange emission in Sm-doped samples, white light emission in Dy-doped samples and yellow emission in Er-doped samples. The luminescence intensity of Sm and Dy-doped β-TCP samples is found to be significantly higher than that of Er-doped samples.



1 mol% Re 2 O 3 –99 mol% Ca 3 (PO 4 ) (Re = Sm, Dy 和 Er) 粉末样品采用固态烧结法制备。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、场发射扫描电子显微镜(FESEM)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、拉曼和光致发光技术表征了结构、热学、振动和光学性质。XRD研究证实了β-Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 的形成具有菱面体晶体结构。FESEM 图像揭示了尺寸在 100-700 nm 范围内的片状团聚颗粒的形成。DSC分析表明β-TCP→α-TCP结构相变发生在1286℃,随后α-TCP→α'-TCP在1469℃转变。样品的拉曼光谱显示了 PO 键的反对称和对称伸缩振动带。光致发光研究发现,在 Sm 掺杂样品中发射强烈的红橙色,在 Dy 掺杂样品中发射白光,在 Er 掺杂样品中发射黄色光。发现 Sm 和 Dy 掺杂的 β-TCP 样品的发光强度明显高于 Er 掺杂的样品。
