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Ex post analysis of the crop diversification measure of CAP greening in France
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-30 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbac022
Alexandre Sauquet 1

In this article, we quantify the impact of the crop diversification measure implemented in France as part of the 2013 common agricultural policy greening reform. We exploit a discontinuity in the constraints imposed on farms larger and smaller than 30 ha, respectively, and apply regression differences-in-differences with a regression discontinuity set-up on land use data collected from a representative sample of French farmers. We find that farms greater than 30 ha increased compliance with the measure and the number of crops grown on their lands and that farms larger and smaller than 30 ha responded differently to the reform.



在本文中,我们量化了作为 2013 年共同农业政策绿色改革的一部分在法国实施的作物多样化措施的影响。我们分别利用对大于和小于 30 公顷的农场施加的限制的不连续性,并在从法国农民的代表性样本中收集的土地使用数据上应用回归不连续性设置的回归差异。我们发现,大于 30 公顷的农场增加了对措施的遵守情况以及在其土地上种植的作物数量,而大于和小于 30 公顷的农场对改革的反应不同。