Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-30 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-20591-z Kei Matsushima 1 , Yuki Noguchi 2 , Takayuki Yamada 2
We report that a locally resonant sonic material realizes omnidirectional acoustic invisibility in air. To achieve acoustic cloaking in the low-frequency regime, we axisymmetrically placed elastic rods comprised of silicone rubber and lead around a cloaked object. The radii of the rods are designed to minimize their total scattering cross section for a given frequency. The optimization is performed using an algorithm incorporating multiple scattering theory and gradient-based nonlinear programming. We numerically confirmed that the designed cloaking device suppressed the scattering cross section by almost 92% for all incident directions at the target frequency.

我们报告说,一种局部共振声波材料实现了空气中的全向声波不可见性。为了在低频范围内实现声学隐形,我们轴对称地放置了由硅橡胶组成的弹性棒,并在隐形物体周围引导。棒的半径被设计成最小化它们在给定频率下的总散射截面。使用结合了多重散射理论和基于梯度的非线性规划的算法进行优化。我们在数值上证实,设计的隐形装置在目标频率下对所有入射方向的散射截面抑制了近 92%。