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A Diverse Metailurine Guild from the Latest Miocene Xingjiawan Fauna, Yongdeng, Northwestern China, and Generic Differentiation of Metailurine Felids
Journal of Mammalian Evolution ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10914-022-09622-8
Qigao Jiangzuo , Kecheng Niu , Shijie Li , Jiao Fu , Shiqi Wang

A collection with several complete crania and mandibles recently found in the Latest Miocene Xingjiawan Fauna, Yongdeng, northeastern China enables a re-discussion of generic differences of metailurine felids. Four metailurine felids, including three new species, i.e., Yoshi yongdengensis sp. nov., Yoshi faie sp. nov., Paramachaerodus schlosseri, and Paramachaerodus yingliangi sp. nov., are recognised in the fauna. The two derived species previously assigned to Paramachaerodus, i.e., Paramachaerodus orientalis and Paramachaerodus maximiliani, are separated from Paramachaerodus and assigned to Pontosmilus Kretzoi, 1929. P. schlosseri is resurrected as the type species of Paramachaerodus, with wide distribution in northern Eurasia during the Turolian or Baodean. Yoshi, Metailurus, and Paramachaerodus are three closely related metailurine felids but can be differentiated by a suite of craniodental traits. The great diversity of metailurines in the Xingjiawan Fauna, especially the multiple species in the same genus, suggests the start of environment change and the presence of the a mosaic environment.
