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Date labels, food waste and supply chain implications
European Review of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-29 , DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbac021
Bradley J Rickard, Shuay-Tsyr Ho, Florine Livat, Abigail M Okrent

We developed a survey to collect information on consumers’ intentions to discard 15 food products when exposed to different date labels. Results show that the use of certain date labels has the capacity to reduce food waste, but the reductions would happen differentially across food groups. When we examine the nutritional implications, we find that a shift from the ‘Best by’ date label to the ‘Best if Used by’ date label would increase total household purchases of energy and lead to a disproportional increase in purchases of fats, cholesterol and protein.



我们开展了一项调查,以收集有关消费者在接触不同日期标签时丢弃 15 种食品的意愿的信息。结果表明,使用某些日期标签能够减少食物浪费,但不同食物组的减少情况会有所不同。当我们检查营养影响时,我们发现从“最佳使用”日期标签转变为“如果使用最佳”日期标签会增加家庭总的能源购买量,并导致脂肪、胆固醇和蛋白质。