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Novel Quantum Sensors for Light Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-26 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-nucl-102020-112133
Sunil R. Golwala 1 , Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano 2

The fields of light dark matter and neutrino physics offer compelling signals at recoil energies of eV to even meV, well below the [Formula: see text] keV thresholds of many techniques currently employed in these fields. Sensing of such small energies can benefit from the emergence of so-called quantum sensors, which employ fundamentally quantum mechanical phenomena to transduce energy depositions into electrical signals. This review focuses on quantum sensors under development that will enhance and extend the search for “particle-like” interactions of dark matter or enable new measurements of neutrino properties in the coming years.



光暗物质和中微子物理领域提供了令人信服的信号,其反冲能量为 eV 甚至 meV,远低于这些领域目前使用的许多技术的 [公式:参见文本] keV 阈值。感知如此小的能量可以受益于所谓量子传感器的出现,该传感器从根本上利用量子力学现象将能量沉积转换成电信号。本综述重点关注正在开发的量子传感器,这些传感器将增强和扩展对暗物质“类粒子”相互作用的搜索,或在未来几年实现中微子特性的新测量。