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Argument ellipsis as external merge after transfer
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s11049-022-09552-3
Idan Landau

Argument Ellipsis (AE) is a productive process in Hebrew, but some arguments resist ellipsis—precisely those that do not denote individuals. This constraint, a reflection of a general constraint on variables in natural language, is captured if AE sites are descended from a pro element that is derivationally replaced by a constituent recoverable from the antecedent. This must occur after spellout (to escape pronunciation) but prior to LF (to allow overt subextraction). The proposed analysis integrates novel data as well as recent findings from studies of AE in East Asian languages, and offers a new derivational path to ellipsis, which invokes neither PF-deletion nor LF-copying.



论证省略(AE)是希伯来语中的一个生产过程,但有些论证抵制省略——恰恰是那些不表示个人的论证。如果 AE 位点源自pro元素,而 pro 元素在派生上被可从先行词恢复的成分所取代,则该约束反映了自然语言中变量的一般约束。这必须发生在拼写之后(以逃避发音)但在 LF 之前(以允许明显的子提取)。所提出的分析整合了新数据以及东亚语言 AE 研究的最新发现,并提供了一条新的省略号推导路径,既不调用 PF 删除,也不调用 LF 复制。
