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Green synthesis of Ag/lignin nanoparticle-loaded cellulose aerogel for catalytic degradation and antimicrobial applications
Cellulose ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10570-022-04848-4
Xiao He , Haeun Kim , Tao G. Dong , Ian Gates , Qingye Lu

Reacting with reductive phenolic hydroxyls (–OH) and methoxy groups (–OCH3) on lignin, silver ions (Ag+) were reduced to metallic silver nanoparticles (NPs) with sizes smaller than 40 nm. The resulting Ag/lignin NPs were then physically crosslinked in the cellulose hydrogel, followed by freeze-drying to obtain the final Ag/lignin NP-loaded cellulose aerogel. Loaded with Ag/lignin NPs, the aerogel exhibited strengthened mechanical property (387 ± 11 kPa) against the external deformation at a compressive strain of 65% due to the nano-reinforcement by the loaded Ag/lignin NPs when compared with pure cellulose aerogel (246 ± 32 kPa). The Ag/lignin NP-loaded aerogel also showed robust killing efficiency against different pathogenic bacteria in aqueous solution (Escherichia coli: > 99.99%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa: > 99.9%, Vibrio cholera: > 99.99%, Staphylococcus aureus: > 99.99%, Bacillus subtilis: > 97.4%). Moreover, the loaded Ag/lignin NPs provided the aerogel with excellent catalytic degradation ability toward various organic compounds, including dyes, pollutants, and antibiotics, evidenced by the degradation of methylene blue (99.8% in 30 min) and methyl orange (99.9% in 180 min) in the presence of NaBH4 and natural sunlight radiation, and degradation of rhodamine B (99.9% in 35 min), 4-nitrophenol (99.5% in 180 min) and doxycycline hyclate (99.8% in 30 min) in the presence of NaBH4 without natural sunlight. In addition, the Ag/lignin NP-loaded aerogel could be reused after facile regeneration washing with water while retaining excellent performance on efficiently degrading (~ 100%) the organic dyes for at least three cycles. The roles of loaded Ag/lignin NPs as photoelectron generators and relay centers for transferring electrons from the reductant to the targeted organic compounds during the degradation process were comprehensively investigated and explained.


用于催化降解和抗菌应用的 Ag/木质素纳米颗粒负载纤维素气凝胶的绿色合成

与木质素上的还原性酚羟基 (-OH) 和甲氧基 (-OCH 3 ) 反应,银离子 (Ag + ) 被还原为尺寸小于 40 nm 的金属银纳米粒子 (NPs)。然后将得到的 Ag/木质素 NPs 在纤维素水凝胶中物理交联,然后冷冻干燥以获得最终的负载 Ag/木质素 NP 的纤维素气凝胶。与纯纤维素气凝胶相比,负载 Ag/木质素 NPs 的气凝胶在 65% 的压缩应变下表现出更强的机械性能(387 ± 11 kPa),这是由于负载的 Ag/木质素 NPs 的纳米增强作用( 246±32 千帕)。负载 Ag/木质素 NP 的气凝胶也显示出对水溶液中不同病原菌的强大杀灭效率。大肠杆菌:> 99.99%,铜绿假单胞菌:> 99.9%,霍乱弧菌:> 99.99% ,金黄色葡萄球菌:> 99.99%,枯草芽孢杆菌:> 97.4%)。此外,负载的 Ag/木质素 NPs 为气凝胶提供了对各种有机化合物(包括染料、污染物和抗生素)的优异催化降解能力,亚甲基蓝(30 分钟内降解 99.8%)和甲基橙(99.9% 在180 分钟)在 NaBH 4和自然阳光辐射存在下,罗丹明 B(35 分钟内 99.9%)、4-硝基苯酚(180 分钟内 99.5%)和盐酸多西环素(30 分钟内 99.8%)降解NaBH 4的没有自然阳光。此外,负载 Ag/木质素 NP 的气凝胶可以在用水轻松再生洗涤后重复使用,同时在至少三个循环内保持高效降解(~100%)有机染料的优异性能。全面研究和解释了负载的 Ag/木质素 NPs 作为光电子发生器和中继中心在降解过程中将电子从还原剂转移到目标有机化合物的作用。
