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Fenestrate bryozoan fauna from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel (western Rhenish Massif, Germany)
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12549-022-00544-0
Andrej Ernst

Seven fenestrate bryozoans are described from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel. Three species were identified as Prolixicella bifurcata Ernst and Schroeder, 2007, Rectifenestella aculeata (Sandberger and Sandberger, 1856), and Spinofenestella antiqua (Goldfuss, 1826). Four species are described in open nomenclature: Rectifenestella sp. 1 and sp. 2, Ptylopora sp., and Spinofenestella sp. Analysis of the distribution of the fenestrate bryozoans from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel shows their relatively high level of endemism revealing some few connections to the Devonian of Europe and Asia. The studied association shows similarities to the contemporary fauna from Sauerland.



从埃菲尔的中泥盆纪描述了七种有孔苔藓虫。三个物种被确定为Prolixicella bifurcata Ernst 和 Schroeder, 2007, Rectifenestella aculeata (Sandberger and Sandberger, 1856) 和Spinofenestella antiqua (Goldfuss, 1826)。在开放命名法中描述了四个物种:Rectifenestella sp。1和sp。2、Ptylopora sp.和Spinofenestella sp. 对埃菲尔中泥盆纪有孔苔藓虫分布的分析表明,它们具有相对较高的特有性,揭示了与欧洲和亚洲泥盆纪的一些联系。所研究的关联显示出与来自 Sauerland 的当代动物群的相似之处。
