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Familiar when-relatives and peculiar when-relatives in English
English Language & Linguistics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-19 , DOI: 10.1017/s1360674322000235

Typical headed relatives in English include a relative pronoun which takes the head as its antecedent. However, some modifying when-clauses in this language are peculiar relatives in that their heads are not the antecedent of when and they do not even have temporal referents. In view of the peculiarity of this type of relative clause, a novel account of the syntactic generation and interpretation of temporal when-clauses is pro- posed. Under this account four lexical entries of when, which have different semantic and syntactic properties, are recognized. The semantics of various whens are analyzed based on existing work, while the syntactic properties of different whens in non-interrogative sentences are characterized in the form of lexical information, which is implemented in the framework of Dynamic Syntax. The work in this article enriches the description of the diversity of relatives and suggests that the analysis of relatives can be unified semantically but not syntactically.



英语中典型的带头亲属包括以头为先行词的关系代词。然而,这种语言中的一些修饰when - 从句是特殊的亲戚,因为它们的中心词不是when的先行词,它们甚至没有时间指称。鉴于这种类型的关系从句的特殊性,提出了一种关于时间when - 从句的句法生成和解释的新方法。在这种情况下, when的四个词条被识别出来,它们具有不同的语义和句法属性。基于现有工作分析了各种when的语义,而不同when的句法属性非疑问句中的s以词汇信息的形式表征,是在动态句法框架下实现的。本文的工作丰富了亲属多样性的描述,表明亲属的分析可以在语义上统一,但不能在句法上统一。
