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Production, characterization, and photocatalytic properties of Eu:Y2O3 nanopowders
Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-16 , DOI: 10.1002/jccs.202200268
Fatma Unal 1 , Emre Alp 2 , Kursat Kazmanli 3

Eu:Y2O3 nanophosphors (NPs) with different Eu concentrations (3, 5, and 7 at%) were successfully synthesized via the sol–gel method. All synthesized powders had a cubic bixbyite-type crystal structure with space group Ia-3. It was observed they had agglomerated sphere-like morphologies. In addition, a neck formation between the particles, which was the result of the sintering effect at the increasing calcination temperature, was also observed by scanning electron microscopy analysis. Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analyses confirmed that the Eu dopant entered into the Y2O3 host. The XPS peak positions shifted to relatively higher binding energy values with increasing dopant concentration and calcination temperature. Increasing Eu dopant concentration in the host structure also increased the 3+ valence ions. The band gap values of the NPs varied between 4.30 and 4.54 eV. The powders doped with 5 at% Eu was active as photocatalysts and the powders that were synthesized at 800°C exhibited highly photocatalytic activity.


Eu:Y2O3 纳米粉体的制备、表征和光催化性能

通过溶胶-凝胶法成功合成了具有不同 Eu 浓度(3、5 和 7 at%)的Eu:Y 2 O 3纳米荧光粉 (NPs)。所有合成的粉末都具有立方方铁锰矿型晶体结构,空间群为 Ia-3。据观察,它们具有聚集的球状形态。此外,通过扫描电子显微镜分析还观察到颗粒之间的颈部形成,这是在增加的煅烧温度下烧结效应的结果。拉曼和 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 分析证实 Eu 掺杂剂进入了 Y 2 O 3主持人。随着掺杂剂浓度和煅烧温度的增加,XPS 峰位置向相对较高的结合能值移动。增加主体结构中的 Eu 掺杂剂浓度也增加了 3+ 价离子。NPs 的带隙值在 4.30 和 4.54 eV 之间变化。掺杂 5 at% Eu 的粉末具有光催化剂活性,在 800°C 合成的粉末表现出高光催化活性。