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Exploring the Generality of PVP-Assisted Phase Transfer of Nanoparticles
Advanced Materials Interfaces ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/admi.202201538
Feng Xue 1 , Aodi Zhang 1 , Xudong Peng 1 , Shiyan Zhou 1 , Guoxu Feng 1 , Hongyu Chen 1 , Hong Wang 2

For most nanoparticles, the synthetic environment usually differs from the application environment, making phase transfer a critical bottleneck in the exploration of nanotechnology. Herein, a general phase transfer method by using polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and an intermediate solvent is demonstrated. A variety of nanoparticles can be transferred into different media, such as water, polar organic solvent, nonpolar solvent, and polymer precursor, while maintaining their colloidal stability. In the traditional methods of two-phase transfer, the initial solvent is a powerful competitor, which greatly limits the window of applicable conditions. A two-step approach where the incubation with the intermediate solvent removes the initial solvent and allows sufficient time for ligand exchange is designed. This avoids the complications caused by partial ligand exchange at the limited area of the interface. Such a method of general phase transfer to different solvents and the understanding of the underlying mechanism would broaden the application of nanomaterials.


探索 PVP 辅助纳米粒子相转移的普遍性

对于大多数纳米粒子来说,合成环境通常与应用环境不同,这使得相转移成为​​纳米技术探索的关键瓶颈。在此,展示了使用聚乙烯吡咯烷酮 (PVP) 和中间溶剂的一般相转移方法。多种纳米粒子可以转移到不同的介质中,例如水、极性有机溶剂、非极性溶剂和聚合物前体,同时保持其胶体稳定性。在传统的两相转移方法中,初始溶剂是一个强有力的竞争者,极大地限制了适用条件的窗口。设计了一种两步法,其中与中间溶剂一起孵育可去除初始溶剂,并为配体交换留出足够的时间。这避免了在界面有限区域部分配体交换引起的并发症。这种向不同溶剂进行一般相转移的方法以及对潜在机制的理解将拓宽纳米材料的应用。