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Enriching periphyton with phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms improves the growth and concentration of phosphorus and micronutrients of rice plant in calcareous paddy soil
Rhizosphere ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2022.100590
Mehdi Beheshti , Hossein Ali Alikhani , Ahmad Ali Pourbabaee , Hassan Etesami , Hadi Asadi Rahmani , Mostafa Noroozi

Periphyton is usually present in most flooded land, especially in paddy fields, and plays an important role in the cycle of nutrients. However, the effects of using the periphyton enriched with its phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSM) on increasing the bioavailability of nutrients, especially phosphorus (P) and microelements and their absorption by rice plant have received little attention. In the research, the effect of natural periphytons and the natural periphytons enriched with PSM on the germination and vital index of rice seed and the bioavailability of P and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu) to rice plants in a calcareous soil fertilized with P fertilizer was investigated. Natural periphytons increased the germination index of rice seeds by an average of 42% and PSM-enriched periphytons by an average of 94%. The natural periphytons also reduced the survival of rice seedlings by about 10% on average, but the PSM-enriched periphytons increased this index by about 1%. On average, natural periphytons, due to increasing soil pH and competition with rice plant for nutrients, reduced soil available P, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn by 15, 18.6, 39.8, 29.7 and 16.2%, respectively, compared to control. However, at the late stage of rice growth the PSM-enriched periphytons increased soil available P by 44%, soil available Fe by 14.6%, soil available Zn by 30.1%, soil available Cu by 25.7%, and soil available Mn by 13.4%, compared to natural periphytons, by releasing accumulated fertilizer P and micronutrients in decomposed periphytons, and thereby increased the rice growth and the concentration of these nutrients in rice grains. It can be concluded that the presence of periphytons in paddy fields, if they are used together with PSM, can be considered as an effective strategy to manage the cycle of P (P fertilizers) and micronutrients in calcareous paddy soils.



附生生物通常存在于大多数被淹的土地上,特别是在稻田中,并且在养分循环中发挥着重要作用。然而,使用富含其溶磷微生物(PSM)的附生生物对提高营养物质的生物利用度,特别是磷(P)和微量元素的生物利用度及其被水稻植物吸收的影响很少受到关注。在研究中,天然附生生物和富含 PSM 的天然附生生物对钙质土壤中水稻种子的萌发和生命指数以及 P 和微量营养素(Fe、Zn、Mn 和 Cu)对水稻植物的生物有效性的影响施磷肥进行了调查。天然附生植物使水稻种子的发芽指数平均提高了 42%,富含 PSM 的附生植物平均提高了 94%。天然附生植物也使水稻幼苗的存活率平均降低了约 10%,但富含 PSM 的附生植物将该指数提高了约 1%。平均而言,天然附生生物,由于土壤 pH 值增加与水稻竞争养分,土壤有效磷、铁、锌、铜和锰与对照相比分别降低了 15%、18.6%、39.8%、29.7% 和 16.2%。然而,在水稻生长后期,富含 PSM 的附生植物使土壤有效磷增加了 44%,土壤有效铁增加了 14.6%,土壤有效锌增加了 30.1%,土壤有效铜增加了 25.7%,土壤有效锰增加了 13.4%。 ,与天然附生植物相比,通过释放腐烂的附生植物中积累的肥料磷和微量营养素,从而增加水稻的生长和这些营养物质在稻谷中的浓度。可以得出结论,稻田中存在的附生生物,如果与 PSM 一起使用,可以被认为是管理钙质稻田中 P(P 肥料)和微量营养素循环的有效策略。
