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The moderating effects of trustor characteristics and the cost of being trusted on the relationship between felt trust and OCB intention
Review of Managerial Science ( IF 7.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s11846-022-00584-y
Jen-Shou Yang , Li-Ching Tsai

The roles of subordinates’ trust in supervisors and subordinates’ feeling of being trusted by those supervisors (i.e., felt trust) are equally important for understanding trust relationships. However, subordinates’ felt trust has been less investigated compared with subordinates’ trust in their supervisors. Although the relationships and the mediators between felt trust and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) are being increasingly studied, the moderators of these relationships are rarely investigated. Based on the trust model and on the mechanisms of the effects of felt trust on job performance proposed by previous studies, we select supervisor behavioral integrity, non-work relationship with supervisor, and perceived OCB stress as potential moderators for this study. We found that supervisor behavioral integrity moderates the relationship between felt trust and OCB intention, and that the higher the supervisor behavioral integrity is, the stronger the relationship becomes. Further, we found that perceived OCB stress moderates this relationship, and that the relationship is stronger when perceived OCB stress is lower. Interestingly, perceived OCB stress also moderates the moderating effect of supervisor behavioral integrity, albeit through a different mechanism. Consequently, the moderating effect of supervisor behavioral integrity is stronger when perceived OCB stress is higher. Unexpectedly, employee non-work relationship with supervisor does not moderate the relationship between felt trust and OCB intention. This study fills the knowledge gap on the moderators of felt trust mechanism, and provides new evidence to clarify controversies regarding the mediating role of organization-based self-esteem and felt obligation in the literature.



下属对上司的信任和下属被上司信任的感觉(即感觉信任)的作用对于理解信任关系同样重要。然而,与下属对上司的信任相比,下属的信任感受到的调查较少。尽管人们对感觉信任和组织公民行为 (OCB) 之间的关系和中介因素进行了越来越多的研究,但这些关系的调节因素却很少被研究。基于先前研究提出的信任模型和感觉信任对工作绩效的影响机制,我们选择主管行为诚信、与主管的非工作关系和感知 OCB 压力作为本研究的潜在调节因素。我们发现主管行为诚信调节了感觉信任与 OCB 意图之间的关系,主管行为诚信越高,关系越强。此外,我们发现感知的 OCB 压力缓和了这种关系,并且当感知的 OCB 压力较低时,这种关系更强。有趣的是,感知到的 OCB 压力也会缓和主管行为完整性的调节作用,尽管是通过不同的机制。因此,当感知到的 OCB 压力较高时,主管行为完整性的调节作用更强。出乎意料的是,员工与主管的非工作关系并没有缓和信任感与 OCB 意向之间的关系。本研究填补了感知信任机制调节者的知识空白,
