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Periodic pulse reverse plating achieve high throwing power of high aspect ratio electronic interconnection: simulation and experiments
Ionics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11581-022-04735-9
Yuanhang Zhang , HongWei You , Maozhong An , Peixia Yang , Jinqiu Zhang

In order to realize high-quality through-hole (TH) interconnection with high aspect ratio, the mechanism of reverse pulse on TH electrodeposition process was systematically studied. In this paper, the mechanism of sodium thiazolinyl dithio propane sulfonate (SH110) was studied by electrochemical methods and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Under different direction of electric fields, the binding energies of SH110 and on Cu (111) are different. The behavior changes of SH110 in reverse pulse process under different convection conditions and the competitive adsorption relationship with other additives were explained. In addition, the results of TH electroplating verify the possibility of the additive system in practical application.



