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Ultraviolet Light-Modulated Defects on BiOBr to Improve the Photocatalytic Fixation of Nitrogen to Ammonia
Solar RRL ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.1002/solr.202200653
Guangmin Ren 1 , Sitong Liu 1 , Meng Shi 1 , Zisheng Zhang 2 , Zizhen Li 1 , Xiangchao Meng 1

Defect engineering has been considered as a feasible approach to improve the photocatalytic activity in nitrogen fixation. However, as the main determinants of photocatalytic properties, the type of vacancy and controllable preparation methods remain elusive. Herein, a controllable method for defect fabrication on BiOBr is achieved by ultraviolet (UV) light illumination. With extending the UV light illumination time, the type of defects is switched from oxygen vacancies to triple-vacancy associates (VBi‴VO••VBi‴). Notably, VBi‴VO••VBi‴ is much more stable compared with oxygen vacancies on the surfaces of BiOBr, resulting in higher photocatalytic activity in nitrogen fixation. The reaction mechanism of photocatalytic reduction of N2 to ammonia in different defects-modified BiOBr is also proposed along with the testing results. Herein, a controllable method to fabricate vacancies on BiOBr induced by UV light is provided, and the reaction pathways of photocatalytic fixation of N2 on different defects-modified BiOBr are demonstrated.


BiOBr 上的紫外光调制缺陷以改善氮对氨的光催化固定作用

缺陷工程被认为是提高光催化固氮活性的可行方法。然而,作为光催化性能的主要决定因素,空位的类型和可控的制备方法仍然难以捉摸。在此,通过紫外 (UV) 光照射实现了在 BiOBr 上进行缺陷制造的可控方法。随着紫外光照射时间的延长,缺陷类型从氧空位转变为三空位缔合物(V Bi ‴V O •• V Bi ‴)。值得注意的是,V Bi ‴V O •• V Bi‴与BiOBr表面的氧空位相比更加稳定,从而在固氮中具有更高的光催化活性。并结合测试结果提出了不同缺陷修饰BiOBr中N 2光催化还原为氨的反应机理。在此,本文提供了一种由紫外光诱导的在BiOBr上制备空位的可控方法,并展示了N 2在不同缺陷修饰的BiOBr上光催化固定的反应途径。