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Molecular design of covalent−organic framework membranes for Li+/Mg2+ separation: Significant charge effect
Journal of Membrane Science ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120976
Bohui Lyu , Mao Wang , Jianwen Jiang , Zhongyi Jiang

In this study, molecular simulation is utilized to explore the charge effect in COF membranes on separation performance. Three types of COF membranes with different functional groups (Tp-Tta-COOH, Tp-Tta-COO and Tp-Tta-NH3+) and thus different charges are designed. It is found that the positively charged membrane (Tp-Tta-NH3+) shows higher ion selectivity in mixed Li+/Mg2+ ion solution, compared with the negatively charged and neutral membranes. In Tp-Tta-NH3+ membrane, the effective pore size is reduced by the secondary confinement effect of Cl ions. The orderly arranged anions (Cl) reduce the actual pore size and generate the secondary confinement effect, which fortifies the pore-entrance sieving effect, and due to the large difference in hydration energies of Li+ and Mg2+ ions, the former is easier to dehydrate and enter the pore. The charge effect in Li+/Mg2+ separation uncovered by molecular simulation is microscopically insightful toward the design of COF membranes and other organic framework membranes for high-performance ion separation.


用于 Li+/Mg2+ 分离的共价有机骨架膜的分子设计:显着的电荷效应

在本研究中,分子模拟用于探索 COF 膜中的电荷对分离性能的影响。设计了三种具有不同官能团(Tp-Tta-COOH、Tp-Tta-COO -和Tp-Tta-NH 3 +)并因此具有不同电荷的COF膜。发现带正电的膜(Tp-Tta-NH 3 + )在混合的Li + /Mg 2+离子溶液中表现出比带负电和中性膜更高的离子选择性。在Tp-Tta-NH 3 +膜中,有效孔径因Cl -离子的二次限制效应而减小。有序排列的阴离子(Cl -) 减小实际孔径,产生二次限制效应,强化了入孔筛分效果,由于Li +和Mg 2+离子的水合能差异较大,前者更容易脱水进入孔隙. 通过分子模拟揭示的Li + /Mg 2+分离中的电荷效应在微观上对 COF 膜和其他用于高性能离子分离的有机骨架膜的设计具有重要意义。
