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Aligning adoption messages with audiences' priorities: A mixed-methods study of the diffusion of enterprise architecture among the US state governments
Information and Organization ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2022.100423
Quang Neo Bui , Kalle Lyytinen

Prior studies on the diffusion of complex Information Systems (IS) innovations have leaned on the rhetoric of persuasion perspective to formulate rhetorical strategies that can persuade adopters to engage in adoption behaviors. Yet, most of them ignore the shifting priorities and changing identity of the audience. To address this gap, we extend the perspective by examining how innovators need to evolve the adoption message of an innovation by aligning it with the audience's diverse and shifting priorities (and related identities). We trace rhetorical changes that the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) introduced to promote the diffusion of enterprise architecture (EA) between 2000 and 2012 among the 50 US states. We conduct a mixed methods analysis: first we qualitatively discern changes in the content of the rhetoric (message change); then we use a latent semantic analysis to measure the frame resonance between NASCIO's shifting rhetoric and the audience's changing priorities (alignment with audience priorities). Our findings highlight the importance of: 1) frame ambiguity that renders a complex IS innovation appealing to varied audiences over its diffusion trajectory; and 2) listening to the community members' priorities and aligning the adoption message with their dominant beliefs. Our analysis posits the rhetoric of identification as a complementary lens to account for the co-evolution of shared priorities and identity alignments between innovators and their audiences.



先前关于复杂信息系统 (IS) 创新传播的研究倾向于说服的修辞观点来制定可以说服采用者参与采用行为的修辞策略。然而,他们中的大多数人忽略了不断变化的优先事项和不断变化的受众身份。为了解决这一差距,我们通过研究创新者如何通过将创新的采用信息与受众的多样化和不断变化的优先事项(和相关身份)保持一致来扩展视角。我们追溯了 2000 年至 2012 年间美国国家首席信息官协会 (NASCIO) 为促进企业架构 (EA) 在美国 50 个州之间的传播而引入的修辞变化。我们进行混合方法分析:首先我们定性地辨别修辞内容的变化(信息变化);然后我们使用潜在语义分析来测量 NASCIO' 之间的框架共振 s 不断变化的言辞和受众不断变化的优先事项(与受众优先事项保持一致)。我们的研究结果强调了以下方面的重要性:1)框架模糊性使得复杂的 IS 创新在其传播轨迹上吸引了不同的受众;2)倾听社区成员的优先事项并将采用信息与他们的主要信念保持一致。我们的分析将身份认同作为补充镜头,以解释创新者与其受众之间共享优先事项和身份一致性的共同演变。
