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A developmental perspective on feedback: How corrective feedback influences children’s literacy, mathematics, and problem solving
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2108426
Emily R Fyfe 1 , Giulia Borriello 1 , Megan Merrick 1


Research in psychology and education indicates that corrective feedback can be a powerful learning tool. We provide a developmental perspective to focus specifically on how corrective feedback influences learning in childhood (∼ages 3–11). Based on a systematic search, we review 44 empirical papers published between 1990 and 2022 examining the effects of corrective feedback on children’s performance in the domains of literacy (n = 18), mathematics (n = 14), and problem solving (n = 12). Across these domains, we synthesize research on how children respond to lessons and practice with, versus without, corrective feedback to provide theoretical and practical insights into (1) the effectiveness of corrective feedback in early childhood, (2) the features of effective feedback messages at different ages, and (3) the role of individual learner differences. We make several novel recommendations with some focused on future research questions and others focused on ways teachers can provide effective feedback to children.




心理学和教育研究表明,纠正反馈可以成为一种强大的学习工具。我们提供了一个发展的视角,专门关注纠正反馈如何影响儿童时期(∼3-11岁)的学习。基于系统搜索,我们回顾了 1990 年至 2022 年间发表的 44 篇实证论文,研究了纠正反馈对儿童在识字 ( n = 18)、数学 ( n = 14) 和问题解决 ( n = 12) 领域表现的影响)。在这些领域中,我们综合了关于儿童如何在有或没有纠正反馈的情况下对课程和实践做出反应的研究,以提供理论和实践见解:(1)幼儿期纠正反馈的有效性,(2)有效反馈信息的特征不同年龄阶段的情况;(3)个体学习者的作用差异。我们提出了一些新颖的建议,其中一些侧重于未来的研究问题,另一些则侧重于教师向儿童提供有效反馈的方式。
