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Cascade Cyclopolymerization of 5-Ethynyl-1,8-Nonadiyne Derivatives to Synthesize Low Band Gap Conjugated Polyacetylenes Containing a Fused Bicyclic Structure
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-06 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202210244
Hanseul Ryu 1 , Jong-Chan Sung 1 , Gangme Kim 1 , Yan Xu 2 , Robert H Grubbs 3 , Tae-Lim Choi 1

A novel cascade cyclopolymerization is developed to synthesize polyacetylenes containing fused bicyclic rings via sequential cascade ring-closing metathesis. The regioselectivity is controlled by altering the structure of the catalyst, affording polymers containing fused bicyclo[4,3,0] or [4,4,0] rings. The resulting polymers show narrow band gaps due to the planarization of the conjugated segment resulting from the fused bicyclic structure.


5-Ethynyl-1,8-Nonadiyne 衍生物的级联环聚合成低带隙共轭聚乙炔具有稠合双环结构

开发了一种新的级联环聚合反应,通过顺序级联闭环复分解合成含有稠合双环的聚乙炔。区域选择性通过改变催化剂的结构来控制,得到含有稠合双环 [4,3,0] 或 [4,4,0] 环的聚合物。由于由稠合双环结构产生的共轭链段的平面化,所得聚合物显示出窄带隙。