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Bi4O5Br2 catalyzed selective oxidative of C=C double bonds to ketones with molecular oxygen under visible-light irradiation
Journal of Catalysis ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2022.08.029
Tianxiang Liu , Fei Xue , Ziren Chen , Zhen Cheng , Wei Cao , Bin Wang , Weiwei Jin , Yu Xia , Yonghong Zhang , Chenjiang Liu

Ketones plays important role in pharmaceuticals, food additives, and organic synthesis intermediates. Selective oxidation cleavage of olefins under efficient, green methods are important for the synthesis of ketones. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis are used in this reaction. Homogeneous catalyst is difficult to recover and separate, which is not meet the requirements of green chemistry. Compared with homogeneous catalyst, heterogeneous catalyst can solve these adverse factors. Herein, we used a bismuth-rich Bi4O5Br2 obtained by microwave method as a heterogeneous photocatalyst, water/dioxane (3 : 1, v/v) as the solvent, molecular oxygen as the oxygen source, various ketones were obtained in moderate to good yields under visible-light irradiation. The catalyst can be used for 4 times and without a significant reduction in activity. Through the EPR experiment and mechanism verification experiments, superoxide radicals or photogenerated electrons and holes played important roles in the oxidative cleavage of C=C double bonds.



酮在医药、食品添加剂和有机合成中间体中发挥着重要作用。在高效、绿色的方法下烯烃的选择性氧化裂解对于酮的合成很重要。在该反应中使用均相和多相催化。均相催化剂难以回收和分离,不符合绿色化学的要求。与均相催化剂相比,多相催化剂可以解决这些不利因素。在此,我们使用了富含铋的 Bi 4 O 5 Br 2采用微波法作为非均相光催化剂,以水/二恶烷(3:1,v/v)为溶剂,分子氧为氧源,在可见光照射下以中等至良好的收率得到各种酮。该催化剂可使用4次,活性无明显降低。通过EPR实验和机理验证实验,超氧自由基或光生电子空穴在C=C双键的氧化断裂中起重要作用。
