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Bringing order to chaos: Research on Easy Swedish
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586522000105
Solveig Arle , Carina Frondén

Despite the early establishment of Easy Language in Sweden in the 1960s and a growing interest in producing Easy Language materials, linguistic research on Easy Swedish remains scarce. This literature review aims to describe how Easy Swedish has been understood in previous research, bringing together a wide range of perspectives and approaches. Applying a meta-narrative method, we investigate terms and definitions, descriptions of the target group, and ideologies, discourses, and values that justify Easy Language. Our results show an exclusive focus on written language and use of the term lättläst (Easy to Read), and a lack of a universal definition of the term. The results also show general agreement on the heterogeneity of the target group. Controversy arises from different perspectives on reading as well as the breadth of the concept, and the conceptualisation of Easy Swedish varies depending on the aims, discipline, and studied material.



尽管在 1960 年代瑞典很早就建立了 Easy Language,并且对制作 Easy Language 材料的兴趣日益浓厚,但关于 Easy Swedish 的语言学研究仍然很少。这篇文献综述旨在描述 Easy Swedish 在之前的研究中是如何被理解的,汇集了广泛的观点和方法。应用元叙事方法,我们调查术语和定义、目标群体的描述以及证明 Easy Language 合理性的意识形态、话语和价值观。我们的结果显示出对书面语言和lättläst一词的使用的独家关注(易于阅读),并且缺乏对该术语的通用定义。结果还显示了目标群体的异质性普遍一致。争论源于阅读的不同视角以及概念的广度,Easy Swedish 的概念化取决于目标、学科和学习材料。
