Physics of Atomic Nuclei ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-28 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063778822040093 Yu. E. Penionzhkevich , V. V. Samarin , S. M. Lukyanov , V. A. Maslov , D. Aznabayev , T. Issatayev , K. Mendibayev , S. S. Stukalov , A. V. Shakhov
The energy spectra of alpha particles from reactions induced by 280-MeV \({}^{48}\)Ca beams incident to \({}^{181}\)Ta, \({}^{197}\)Au, and \({}^{238}\)U targets were measured at an angle of 0\({}^{\circ}\) by means of a high-resolution magnetic analyzer (MAVR setup). The sensitivity of the procedure used made it possible to measure alpha-particle yields that are five to six orders of magnitude less than the maximum yield. The cross section for the formation of alpha particles is shown to be dependent on their binding energy in the target nucleus. The experimental data obtained from these measurements were analyzed on the basis of the model of two- and three-body reaction channels and the model of moving sources.

$${}^{48}$$ Ca 原子核与 280 MeV 的钽、金和铀原子核相互作用中高能 Alpha 粒子的发射
由入射到\({}^{181}\) Ta, \({}^{197}\) Au的 280-MeV \({}^{48}\) Ca 束引起的反应引起的 α 粒子的能谱, 和\({}^{238}\) U 目标在 0 角处测量\({}^{\circ}\)通过高分辨率磁分析仪(MAVR 设置)。所用程序的灵敏度使得测量比最大产量低 5 到 6 个数量级的 α 粒子产量成为可能。α粒子形成的横截面被证明取决于它们在目标核中的结合能。基于二体和三体反应通道模型和动源模型分析了从这些测量中获得的实验数据。