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Growth performance and G × E interactions of Liriodendron tulipifera half-sib families across ages in eastern China
European Journal of Forest Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10342-022-01494-0
Hui Xia , Lichun Yang , Zhonghua Tu , Chengge Zhang , Ziyuan Hao , Weiping Zhong , Huogen Li

To select genotypes with stable growth in diverse environments, tree breeders use multisite trials to evaluate genotypic stability and adaptation. Since genotype-by-environment (G × E) interaction effects vary with age, most multisite trials focus only on site effects, ignoring age effects. Liriodendron tulipifera trees are valuable due to their rapid growth and high-quality wood. Currently, multisite trials involving L. tulipifera plants are rare and the lack of data on G × E interaction effects impedes its selection. In this study, to explore the better performance and G × E pattern of L. tulipifera across ages, the growth traits (tree height, H; and diameter at breast height, DBH) of trees that were of five consecutive ages and grown on progeny-testing plantations were studied for 27 open-pollinated families at three sites. The results showed that the heritability of DBH was greater than that of H at almost all ages, and the individual breeding value ranking differed across sites and ages. The additive genetic correlations (rA) between different site pairs were relatively small and varied with age, indicating an age trend for G × E, and showed a difference in traits. It was found that the absolute differences in some monthly average climatic indicators correlated with the G × E. Based on a comprehensive analysis considering stability and productivity, four elite families were identified. These results could aid in selecting stable, adaptable L. tulipifera genotypes and provide a reference for evaluating G × E interaction effects in multiage, multisite trials of other tree species.
