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Stretchable fiber-shaped aqueous aluminum ion batteries
EcoMat ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-09 , DOI: 10.1002/eom2.12218
Ting Xiong 1 , Bing He 1 , Tianzhu Zhou 1 , Zhe Wang 1 , Zhixun Wang 1 , Jiwu Xin 1 , Haozhe Zhang 1 , Xuhui Zhou 1 , Yanting Liu 1 , Lei Wei 1

The emerging wearable electronics have significantly motivated the development of fiber-shaped batteries with excellent electrochemical performance, safety, and flexibility. Aluminum (Al) ion batteries are potential candidates due to their high natural abundance, three-electron-redox behavior, and low cost. However, the integration of Al ion battery into wearable electronics remains unexplored. Herein, a stretchable fiber-shaped aqueous Al ion battery is reported, which involves manganese hexacyanoferrate cathode, graphene oxide decorated MoO3 anode, and hydrogel electrolyte. The resulting fiber-shaped battery exhibits good stretching properties and cycling stability (91.6% over 100 cycles at 1 A cm−3). Moreover, by employing a rocking-chair energy storage mechanism, the fiber-shaped battery offers a high specific capacity of 42 mAh cm−3 at 0.5 A cm−3, corresponding to a high specific energy of 30.6 mWh cm−3. As a demonstration, the fiber-based Al ion batteries are integrated into wearable textiles to power LED light, demonstrating the feasibility in stretchable and wearable electronics.



新兴的可穿戴电子产品极大地推动了具有优异电化学性能、安全性和灵活性的纤维状电池的发展。铝 (Al) 离子电池因其高天然丰度、三电子氧化还原行为和低成本而成为潜在的候选者。然而,将铝离子电池集成到可穿戴电子产品中仍未得到探索。本文报道了一种可拉伸的纤维状水性铝离子电池,包括六氰基铁酸锰正极、氧化石墨烯装饰的 MoO 3负极和水凝胶电解质。所得纤维状电池表现出良好的拉伸性能和循环稳定性(在 1 A cm -3下 100 次循环超过 91.6%)。此外,通过采用摇椅式储能机制,纤维状电池在0.5 A cm -3下提供42 mAh cm -3的高比容量,对应于30.6 mWh cm -3的高比能量。作为演示,基于纤维的铝离子电池被集成到可穿戴纺织品中,为 LED 灯供电,展示了可拉伸和可穿戴电子产品的可行性。