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Optimization of sintering temperature for realizing enhanced magnetic properties of YFeO3 ceramic derived from the sol-gel technique
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10854-022-08883-6
Ch. Venkatrao , D. Rama Sekhara Reddy , Rajasekhar Bhimireddi

In the present communication, we are reporting the optimization of sintering temperature to realize the highest magnetization value from yttrium orthoferrite (YFeO3) ceramics derived from the sol-gel technique in presence of tartaric acid as a complex agent. For this, YFeO3 (YFO) samples were fabricated at various sintering temperatures (950 °C, 1050 °C, and 1150 °C) with an equal duration of time (5 h). YFO was obtained as a crystalline phase at different sintering temperatures, and structural analysis indicates a pure orthorhombic perovskite structure with Pmna space group of mmm point group. Additionally, a significant influence on the crystallite size, optical and magnetic properties was observed. An increase in crystallite size with an increasing sintering temperature was observed through a scanning electron microscopy study. The highest magnetization value has been observed for the sample sintered at 1050 °C/5 h. The observed magnetization value and coercive field were found to be 5.12 emu.g− 1and 54.19 Oe. A decrease in the optical bandgap of YFO material was observed with an increase in sintering temperature. Concerning the highest magnetic properties of the YFO material sintered at 1050 °C/5 h is anticipated to be of potential use in various applications.


采用溶胶-凝胶技术优化烧结温度以增强 YFeO3 陶瓷的磁性能

在本次交流中,我们报告了烧结温度的优化,以在酒石酸作为络合剂的情况下,从溶胶-凝胶技术衍生的正铁氧体钇 (YFeO 3 ) 陶瓷中实现最高磁化值。为此,YFeO 3 (YFO) 样品在不同的烧结温度(950°C、1050°C 和 1150°C)下以相同的持续时间(5 小时)制造。YFO在不同烧结温度下作为结晶相获得,结构分析表明纯正交钙钛矿结构,Pmna空间群为mmm点群。此外,观察到对微晶尺寸、光学和磁性的显着影响。通过扫描电子显微镜研究观察到微晶尺寸随着烧结温度的升高而增加。对于以 1050 °C/5 小时烧结的样品,观察到最高磁化值。观察到的磁化强度值和矫顽磁场分别为 5.12 emu.g - 1和 54.19 Oe。随着烧结温度的升高,观察到 YFO 材料的光学带隙减小。关于在 1050 °C/5 小时下烧结的 YFO 材料的最高磁性,预计将在各种应用中具有潜在用途。
