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Hollow Nanowire Constructed by NiCo Doped RuO2 Nanoparticles for Robust Hydrogen Evolution at High-Current-Density
ChemSusChem ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-23 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202201532
Hao Yi 1 , Xian Zhang 2 , Zhong Ai 2 , Shaoxian Song 2 , Qing An 1

Fine-tuned HER catalyst: A novel electrode of hollow nanowire arrays constructed by NiCo modified RuO2 nanoparticles on Ni foam (NiCo@RuO2 HNAs/NF) was fabricated by self-templated strategy. The fine-tuned hollow nanoarchitectures had high surface area with more exposed active sites, hydrophilicity. It exhibited remarkable HER activity and stability under industrial alkaline conditions.


NiCo 掺杂 RuO2 纳米粒子构建的中空纳米线用于在高电流密度下稳健析氢

微调HER催化剂:采用自模板化策略制备了一种由NiCo修饰的RuO 2纳米粒子在Ni泡沫上构建的新型空心纳米线阵列电极(NiCo@RuO 2 HNAs/NF)。微调的中空纳米结构具有高表面积和更多暴露的活性位点和亲水性。它在工业碱性条件下表现出显着的 HER 活性和稳定性。