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Derivatization with fatty acids in peptide and protein drug discovery
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery ( IF 122.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41573-022-00529-w
Peter Kurtzhals 1 , Søren Østergaard 1 , Erica Nishimura 1 , Thomas Kjeldsen 1

Peptides and proteins are widely used to treat a range of medical conditions; however, they often have to be injected and their effects are short-lived. These shortcomings of the native structure can be addressed by molecular engineering, but this is a complex undertaking. A molecular engineering technology initially applied to insulin — and which has now been successfully applied to several biopharmaceuticals — entails the derivatization of peptides and proteins with fatty acids. Various protraction mechanisms are enabled by the specific characteristics and positions of the attached fatty acid. Furthermore, the technology can ensure a long half-life following oral administration of peptide drugs, can alter the distribution of peptides and may hold potential for tissue targeting. Due to the inherent safety and well-defined chemical nature of the fatty acids, this technology provides a versatile approach to peptide and protein drug discovery.



