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Probing the Biotransformation Process of Sclareol by Resting Cells of Hyphozyma roseonigra
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c04651
Mengxue Diao 1 , Chi Li 2 , Jianxiu Li 1 , Jian Lu 2 , Nengzhong Xie 1

Sclareol glycol is a key starting material with significant market interest for synthesizing high-value ambroxide, a sustainable substitute for ambergris in high-end fragrances. Sclareol glycol can be obtained by biotransformation of sclareol, a labdane-type diterpene, using Hyphozyma roseonigra. However, the pathway and mechanism of sclareol glycol biosynthesis remain unclear. In this study, the dynamic time course of sclareol biotransformation was explored by resting cell assays and several intermediates produced during biotransformation were detected. The results show that (1) sclareol glycol and sclareolide are not interconverted and are potentially synthesized via different metabolic pathways and (2) several putative intermediates resulting from biotransformation are featured with a labdane carbon backbone, including isomerized and oxidized analogues. A plausible transformation pathway of sclareol in H. roseonigra was proposed based on detected metabolites. This study sheds light on the biosynthetic mechanism of sclareol glycol and paves a way for the future biotechnological production of this promising compound.



紫苏醇乙二醇是合成高价值龙涎香醚的重要原料,具有重要的市场兴趣,龙涎香是高端香水中龙涎香的可持续替代品。香紫苏二醇可以通过使用紫苏红酵母对紫苏醇(一种拉丹型二萜)进行生物转化而获得. 然而,香紫苏醇生物合成的途径和机制仍不清楚。在这项研究中,通过静息细胞试验探索了香紫苏醇生物转化的动态时间过程,并检测了生物转化过程中产生的几种中间体。结果表明,(1) 香紫苏醇乙二醇和香紫苏内酯不相互转化,并且可能通过不同的代谢途径合成;(2) 生物转化产生的几种推定中间体具有拉丹碳骨架,包括异构化和氧化类似物。香紫苏醇在H. roseonigra中的一种合理转化途径是根据检测到的代谢物提出的。该研究阐明了紫苏醇的生物合成机制,并为未来这种有前途的化合物的生物技术生产铺平了道路。