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Mediator-assisted synthesis of WS2 with ultrahigh-optoelectronic performance at multi-wafer scale
npj 2D Materials and Applications ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41699-022-00329-1
Yu-Siang Chen , Sheng-Kuei Chiu , De-Liang Tsai , Chong-Yo Liu , Hsiang-An Ting , Yu-Chi Yao , Hyungbin Son , Golam Haider , Martin Kalbáč , Chu-Chi Ting , Yang-Fang Chen , Mario Hofmann , Ya-Ping Hsieh

The integration of 2D materials into future applications relies on advances in their quality and production. We here report a synthesis method that achieves ultrahigh optoelectronic performance at unprecedented fabrication scales. A mediator-assisted chemical vapor deposition process yields tungsten-disulfide (WS2) with near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield, superior photosensitivity and improved environmental stability. This enhancement is due to the decrease in the density of lattice defects and charge traps brought about by the self-regulating nature of the growth process. This robustness in the presence of precursor variability enables the high-throughput growth in atomically confined stacks and achieves uniform synthesis of single-layer WS2 on dozens of closely packed wafers. Our approach enhances the scientific and commercial potential of 2D materials as demonstrated in producing large-scale arrays of record-breaking optoelectronic devices.



2D 材料与未来应用的集成依赖于其质量和生产的进步。我们在此报告了一种以前所未有的制造规模实现超高光电性能的合成方法。介体辅助化学气相沉积工艺产生的二硫化钨 (WS 2 ) 具有接近统一的光致发光量子产率、优异的光敏性和改善的环境稳定性。这种增强是由于生长过程的自调节性质带来的晶格缺陷和电荷陷阱密度的降低。这种在存在前体变异性的情况下的稳健性能够在原子限制的堆叠中实现高通量生长,并实现单层 WS 2的均匀合成在数十个紧密包装的晶圆上。我们的方法增强了 2D 材料的科学和商业潜力,正如在生产破纪录的大规模光电器件阵列中所证明的那样。
