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Patterns and contexts of polysubstance use among young and older adults who are involved in the criminal legal system and use opioids: A mixed methods study
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108864
Corianna E Sichel 1 , Daniel Winetsky 2 , Stephanie Campos 3 , Megan A O'Grady 4 , Susan Tross 5 , Jane Kim 3 , Alwyn Cohall 6 , Renee Cohall 6 , Katherine S Elkington 7


Opioid prevention and treatment programs tailored to young adults involved in the criminal legal system are rare. We examined profiles of polysubstance use among younger and older adults involved in the criminal legal system who use opioids, and explored their experiences and motivations related to substance use. Information gleaned can inform the adaptation of existing programs and the development of novel approaches for young adults in the criminal legal system.


Using a sequential mixed methods design we 1) quantitatively identified typologies of polysubstance users among adults aged 18–24 (n = 92) and those age 25 and over (n = 27) involved in the criminal legal system who use opioids, using latent class analysis and 2) qualitatively explored differences in personal motivations, cultural influences, and psychosocial contexts of substance use by class.


Our quantitative results supported a three-class typology: the majority of participants were in Class I (73 %, n = 87) and reported using primarily alcohol and marijuana. Participants in Classes II (15 %, n = 18) and III (12 %, n = 14) endorsed distinct and complicated polysubstance use profiles. Further, participants in Classes I and III were significantly younger than those in Class II. Qualitative analysis allowed us to understand associations between patterns of use, motivations, and contexts among young and older adults, comparing across classes.


Our results highlight the importance of attending to the needs of subpopulations based on age and use patterns to adapt and develop targeted treatment and prevention programs for high-risk adults involved in the criminal legal system.






使用顺序混合方法设计,我们 1) 定量确定了 18-24 岁的成年人 ( n  = 92) 和 25 岁及以上的人 ( n  = 27) 中涉及使用阿片类药物的刑事法律系统的多物质使用者类型,使用潜在类别分析和 2) 定性地探讨了各阶层物质使用的个人动机、文化影响和心理社会背景的差异。


我们的定量结果支持三类类型:大多数参与者属于 I 类(73%,n  = 87)并且报告主要使用酒精和大麻。II 类(15%,n  = 18)和 III 类(12%,n  = 14)的参与者认可不同且复杂的多物质使用概况。此外,I 类和 III 类的参与者明显比 II 类参与者年轻。定性分析使我们能够了解年轻人和老年人的使用模式、动机和背景之间的关联,并进行跨班级比较。


