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Negotiating “Impossible” Ideals: Latent Classes of Intensive Mothering in the United States
Gender & Society ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-08 , DOI: 10.1177/08912432221114873
Jane Lankes 1

The primary goal of this study is to identify patterns in the ways mothers adhere to, reject, and combine intensive mothering attitudes and behaviors. Mothers often face immense pressure to devote significant physical and mental effort toward childrearing, referred to as intensive mothering. At the same time, many mothers do not follow the actions or beliefs that gender norms suggest they should. It remains unclear how mothers holistically approach intensive parenting across many different facets. Using the 2014 Child Development Supplement from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, I examined how a sample of mothers fell into intensive mothering profiles, or latent classes, and how class membership varied by demographic characteristics. Results showed four underlying latent classes of intensive motherhood: Relaxed Mothers (33 percent), High Investors (25 percent), Essentialist Mothers (22 percent), and Strained Mothers (20 percent). No group was intensive across all measures, contrary to common narratives in previous research and theory. Class membership varied by several characteristics, including education, age, income, race, single parenthood, and employment. By revealing how mothers are selectively intensive, this study expands on the ways mothers simultaneously “do” and “undo” gender norms in their parenting, as well as the sociodemographics that may predict these patterns.



本研究的主要目标是确定母亲坚持、拒绝和结合密集的母亲态度和行为方式的模式。母亲经常面临巨大的压力,需要投入大量的体力和脑力来养育孩子,这被称为强化母亲。与此同时,许多母亲并没有遵循性别规范所建议的行为或信念。目前尚不清楚母亲如何从许多不同方面全面处理强化育儿。使用来自收入动态小组研究的 2014 年儿童发展补编,我研究了一个母亲样本如何落入密集的母亲档案或潜在班级,以及班级成员如何因人口特征而变化。结果显示了四种潜在的强化母性:放松的母亲(33%),高投资者 (25%)、本质主义母亲 (22%) 和压力大的母亲 (20%)。与先前研究和理论中的常见叙述相反,没有一个小组在所有措施上都密集。班级成员因几个特征而异,包括教育、年龄、收入、种族、单亲和就业。通过揭示母亲如何选择性地强化,这项研究扩展了母亲在养育子女时同时“做”和“取消”性别规范的方式,以及可能预测这些模式的社会人口学。和就业。通过揭示母亲如何选择性地强化,这项研究扩展了母亲在养育子女时同时“做”和“取消”性别规范的方式,以及可能预测这些模式的社会人口学。和就业。通过揭示母亲如何选择性地强化,这项研究扩展了母亲在养育子女时同时“做”和“取消”性别规范的方式,以及可能预测这些模式的社会人口学。
