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Highly Selective Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Amines to Nitriles Assisted by Water Oxidation on Metal-Doped α-Ni(OH)2
Journal of the American Chemical Society ( IF 14.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-10 , DOI: 10.1021/jacs.2c05403
Yuxia Sun 1 , Hyeyoung Shin 2 , Fangyuan Wang 1 , Bailin Tian 1 , Chen-Wei Chiang 1 , Shengtang Liu 1 , Xiaoshan Li 1 , Yiqi Wang 1 , Lingyu Tang 1 , William A Goddard 3 , Mengning Ding 1

Selective oxidation to synthesize nitriles is critical for feedstock manufacturing in the chemical industry. Current strategies typically involve substitutions of alkyl halides with toxic cyanides or the use of strong oxidation reagents (oxygen or peroxide) under ammoxidation/oxidation conditions, setting considerable challenges in energy efficiency, sustainability, and production safety. Herein, we demonstrate a facile, green, and safe electrocatalytic route for selective oxidation of amines to nitriles under ambient conditions, assisted by the anodic water oxidation on metal-doped α-Ni(OH)2 (a typical oxygen evolution reaction catalyst). By controlling the balance between co-adsorption of the amine molecule and hydroxyls on the catalyst surface, we demonstrate that Mn doping significantly promotes the subsequent chemical oxidation of amines, resulting in Faradaic efficiencies of 96% for nitriles under ≥99% conversion. This anodic oxidation is further coupled with cathodic hydrogen evolution for overall atomic economy and additional green energy production.


金属掺杂 α-Ni(OH)2 水氧化辅助胺的高选择性电催化氧化成腈

选择性氧化合成腈对于化学工业中的原料制造至关重要。目前的策略通常涉及在氨氧化/氧化条件下用有毒氰化物代替卤代烷或使用强氧化剂(氧气或过氧化物),这在能源效率、可持续性和生产安全方面提出了相当大的挑战。在此,我们展示了一种在环境条件下将胺选择性氧化为腈的简便、绿色和安全的电催化途径,辅以金属掺杂的 α-Ni(OH) 2上的阳极水氧化(典型的析氧反应催化剂)。通过控制胺分子的共吸附与催化剂表面羟基之间的平衡,我们证明了 Mn 掺杂显着促进了胺的后续化学氧化,从而在≥99% 的转化率下使腈的法拉第效率达到 96%。这种阳极氧化进一步与阴极析氢相结合,以实现整体原子经济和额外的绿色能源生产。