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The reaction of CH3NH2 with SnX2, CH3NH3SnX3 (X=Cl, Br, I), and BiI3 – The first Sn(II)-Ammine complexes as intermediates
Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/zaac.202200147
Harald Hillebrecht 1 , MSc Michael Krummer 2 , Michael Daub 2

In order to understand the “molten salt approach” for CH3NH3PbI3, we have investigated the interaction of gaseous CH3NH2 with PbX2 (X=Cl, Br, I) and MAPbX3 (MA=CH3NH3+; X=Cl, Br, I) and characterised the first ammine complexes of Pb(II). In continuation, we have extended our work to the corresponding Sn(II) halides, i. e. SnX2 (X=Cl, Br, I) and MASnX3 (X=Cl, Br, I). With X=iodine we have obtained cubic [Sn(CH3NH2)6]I2, which is isotypic to the lead compounds with X=I and Br showing a close similarity to the K2PtCl6 type due to the octahedra [Sn(CH3NH2)6]2+. Release of CH3NH2 yields [Sn(CH3NH2)4I]I. Here, Sn2+ is fivefold coordinated by 4 CH3NH2 ligands and one I as a square pyramid with the I in an equatorial position. Charge neutrality is achieved by a second I anion with a significant longer distance of 4.29 Å, completing the square pyramid to a distorted octahedron. With X=Br and Cl, only one compound forms, Sn(CH3NH2)5Br2 and Sn(CH3NH2)5Cl2, respectively. Both structures are isotypic and crystallize in an orthorhombic structure with square-pyramidal [Sn(CH3NH2)5]2+ units. For all representatives with mixed ligands, the interaction with X is significantly weaker than with CH3NH2. H-bridges N−H⋅⋅⋅X contribute to the interaction between the Sn(CH3NH2)4X2 units. All compounds show high sensitivity to moisture and limited thermal stability. They decompose in air to CH3NH3X and a white amorphous residue, probably Sn(OH)X. The reaction of CH3NH2 with BiI3 results in (CH3NH3)4(CH3NH2)BiI7 according to traces of moisture.


CH3NH2 与 SnX2、CH3NH3SnX3(X=Cl、Br、I)和 BiI3 的反应——作为中间体的第一个 Sn(II)-氨络合物

为了理解 CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3的“熔盐法” ,我们研究了气态 CH 3 NH 2与 Pb X 2 ( X =Cl, Br, I) 和 MAPb X 3 (MA=CH 3 NH 3 + ; X =Cl, Br, I) 并表征了 Pb(II) 的第一个氨络合物。接下来,我们将工作扩展到相应的 Sn(II) 卤化物,即。e. Sn X 2 ( X = Cl, Br, I) 和 MASn X 3 ( X = Cl, Br, I)。与X= iodine我们得到了立方体 [Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 6 ]I 2,它与X =I 和 Br的先导化合物同型由于八面体 [Sn( CH 3 NH 2 ) 6 ] 2+CH 3 NH 2的释放产生[Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 4 I]I。此处,Sn 2+由 4 个 CH 3 NH 2配体和一个 I -五重配位,形成一个方形金字塔,其中 I在赤道位置。电荷中性是通过第二个 I -阴离子实现的,距离显着更长,为 4.29 Å,将方形金字塔完成为扭曲的八面体。X = Br和Cl时,只有一种化合物形成,分别为Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 5 Br 2和Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 5 Cl 2两种结构都是同型的,并且以具有方锥体[Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 5 ] 2+单元的正交结构结晶。对于所有具有混合配体的代表,与X -明显弱于CH 3 NH 2。H 桥 N−H⋅⋅⋅ X有助于 Sn(CH 3 NH 2 ) 4 X 2单元之间的相互作用。所有化合物都表现出对水分的高度敏感性和有限的热稳定性。它们在空气中分解为 CH 3 NH 3 X和白色无定形残留物,可能是 Sn(OH) XCH 3 NH 2与BiI 3的反应生成(CH 3 NH 3 ) 4 (CH 3 NH 2)BiI 7根据水分痕迹。