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Integrating a Bacillus-based product with fungicides by foliar application to protect soybean: a sustainable approach to avoid exclusive use of chemicals
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-30 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.7104
Fabio M Santos 1 , Laura S Viera 1 , Darcila P Camargo 1 , Marlove Fb Muniz 1 , Ivan Fd Costa 1 , Jerson Vc Guedes 1 , Jansen Rp Santos 1 , Julio Cp Silva 1

Biological control is widely applied against soybean (Glycine max L.) soil-borne pathogens by furrow or seed treatments. The efficiency of bioproducts and timing of application by foliar sprays against soybean pathogens needs to be more fully understood. This work investigated the efficiency of foliar application with a Bacillus subtilis-based product (BBP) to protect soybean from multiple pathogens and the best moment to apply it considering its compatibility with fungicides.



生物防治广泛应用于通过沟渠或种子处理来对抗大豆( Glycine max L.)土传病原体。需要更充分地了解生物产品的效率以及通过叶面喷雾对抗大豆病原体的施用时机。这项工作调查了叶面施用基于枯草芽孢杆菌的产品 (BBP) 保护大豆免受多种病原体侵害的效率,以及考虑到其与杀菌剂的相容性,施用该产品的最佳时机。