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Material Culture Studies in the Age of Big Data: Digital Excavation of Homemade Face-Mask Production during the COVID-19 Pandemic
American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-03 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2022.58
Matthew Magnani , Jon Clindaniel , Natalia Magnani

This manuscript presents a novel approach to the study of contemporary material culture using digital data. Scholars interested in the materiality of past and contemporary societies have been limited to information derived from assemblages of excavated, collected, or physically observed materials; they have yet to take full advantage of large or complex digital datasets afforded by the internet. To demonstrate the power of this approach and its potential to disrupt our understanding of the material world, we present a study of an ongoing global health crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we focus on face-mask production during the pandemic across the United States in 2020 and 2021. Scraping information on homemade face-mask characteristics at multimonth intervals—including location and materials—we analyze the production of masks and their change over time. We demonstrate that this new methodology, coupled with a sociopolitical examination of mask use according to state policies and politicization, provides an unprecedented avenue to understand the changing distributions and social significances of material culture. Our study of mask making elucidates a clear linkage between partisan politics and decreasing disease mitigation effectiveness. We further reveal how time-averaged asssemblages drown out the political meanings of artifacts otherwise visible with finer temporal resolution.


大数据时代的物质文化研究:COVID-19 大流行期间自制口罩生产的数字挖掘

这份手稿提出了一种利用数字数据研究当代物质文化的新方法。对过去和当代社会的物质性感兴趣的学者仅限于从挖掘、收集或物理观察的材料组合中获得的信息;他们尚未充分利用互联网提供的大型或复杂的数字数据集。为了展示这种方法的力量及其破坏我们对物质世界理解的潜力,我们提出了一项关于持续的全球健康危机 COVID-19 大流行的研究。特别是,我们专注于 2020 年和 2021 年美国大流行期间的口罩生产。每隔几个月收集有关自制口罩特性的信息(包括位置和材料),我们分析了口罩的生产及其随时间的变化。我们证明,这种新方法,再加上根据国家政策和政治化对口罩使用进行的社会政治检查,为理解物质文化不断变化的分布和社会意义提供了前所未有的途径。我们对口罩制作的研究阐明了党派政治与降低疾病缓解效果之间的明确联系。我们进一步揭示了时间平均的组合如何淹没了人工制品的政治意义,而这些人工制品在更精细的时间分辨率下是可见的。再加上根据国家政策和政治化对口罩使用的社会政治检查,为了解物质文化不断变化的分布和社会意义提供了前所未有的途径。我们对口罩制作的研究阐明了党派政治与降低疾病缓解效果之间的明确联系。我们进一步揭示了时间平均的组合如何淹没了人工制品的政治意义,而这些人工制品在更精细的时间分辨率下是可见的。再加上根据国家政策和政治化对口罩使用的社会政治检查,为了解物质文化不断变化的分布和社会意义提供了前所未有的途径。我们对口罩制作的研究阐明了党派政治与降低疾病缓解效果之间的明确联系。我们进一步揭示了时间平均的组合如何淹没了人工制品的政治意义,而这些人工制品在更精细的时间分辨率下是可见的。
