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Glacial-interglacial differences in carbonate burial in the equatorial Indian Ocean
Geo-Marine Letters ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-08-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s00367-022-00736-9
Ramanand Yadav , Sushant S. Naik

To understand the variations in carbonate burial for the last 30 kiloannum (ka), we have utilized a core from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), Site716A (04.56°N and 73.17°E) retrieved from a water depth of 533 m from the Maldives (carbonate platform) Sea. We analysed calcium carbonate (CaCO3%), sedimentary organic carbon (C-org %) and shell weights of selected planktic foraminifera species (Globigerinoides ruber, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina dutertrei) to see the contrast in carbonate preservation during the late last glacial-Holocene. Our dataset reveals that carbonate preservation declined during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene, probably due to organic matter degradation in sediments. The ratio of C-org/CaCO3 was relatively higher during the LGM than during the last deglacial period (LDP) and the Holocene. Furthermore, the heavier planktic foraminifera shell weights during the LDP indicate relatively increased carbonate preservation, which is linked to the deglacial release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the ocean to the atmosphere.



为了了解过去 30 kiloannum (ka) 碳酸盐埋藏的变化,我们使用了来自海洋钻探计划 (ODP) Site716A(04.56°N 和 73.17°E)的岩心,该岩心从 533 m 水深处取回。马尔代夫(碳酸盐岩平台) 海。我们分析了碳酸钙 (CaCO 3 %)、沉积有机碳 (C-org %) 和选定的浮游有孔虫物种(Globigerinoides ruberPulleniatina obliquiloculataNeogloboquadrina dutertrei)的壳重量,以观察末次冰期晚期碳酸盐保存的对比。全新世。我们的数据集显示,在末次盛冰期(LGM)和全新世期间,碳酸盐保存量下降,可能是由于沉积物中有机物的降解。末次盛冰期C-org/CaCO 3比值相对高于末次冰消期(LDP)和全新世。此外,LDP期间浮游有孔虫外壳重量较重表明碳酸盐保存相对增加,这与冰川消融期间二氧化碳(CO 2)从海洋释放到大气中有关。
