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Furloughing and COVID-19: assessing regulatory reform of the state
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-30 , DOI: 10.1093/cjres/rsac026
David A Spencer 1 , Mark Stuart 2 , Chris Forde 2 , Christopher J McLachlan 3

This article assesses regulatory reform of the state in the context of the move to furloughing in the UK. It establishes that furloughing was a successful response to the COVID-19 crisis, partly because it challenged the traditional UK crisis response of non-state intervention in the labour market. Furloughing prevented higher unemployment and enabled a swifter recovery. The article also identifies the limits of furloughing (not least its temporary nature) but argues that key lessons from furloughing (including the direct support for job retention) should be used to devise new state policies aimed at promoting a more sustainable and equal economy.


休假和 COVID-19:评估国家的监管改革

本文评估了英国在休假的背景下对该州的监管改革。它确定休假是对 COVID-19 危机的成功应对,部分原因是它挑战了英国传统的非国家干预劳动力市场的危机应对措施。休假防止了更高的失业率,并促进了更快的复苏。该文章还确定了休假的局限性(尤其是其临时性质),但认为休假的关键教训(包括对保留工作的直接支持)应用于制定旨在促进更可持续和平等的经济的新州政策。