Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-29 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16844-6 Ezekiel Ahn 1, 2 , Coumba Fall 1 , Louis K Prom 3 , Clint Magill 1
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Colletotrichum sublineola is a destructive fungal pathogen that causes anthracnose in sorghum. Senegalese sorghum germplasm is currently being considered as an option of sources for genetic resistance. In a recent study, Senegalese sorghum accessions were evaluated for response to a mixture of Texas isolates of C. sublineola at the 8-leaf stage in the greenhouse. As a comparison, 159 Senegalese sorghum accessions at the 1-leaf developmental stage were evaluated against a single Texas isolate of C. sublineola (FSP53) using an excised-leaf assay. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted based on the phenotypic data acquired to discover genetic variation associated with response to C. sublineola using 193,727 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the genome. Sorghum seedlings tended to be more resistant when compared with sorghum plants inoculated at the 8-leaf stage in the greenhouse in previous experiments. Based on the highest score evaluated in the 1-leaf developmental stage excised leaf assay for each accession, 16 accessions were labeled as susceptible. GWAS identified the SNP locus S01_72868925 that is associated with protein kinase domain // Leucine rich repeat N-terminal domain at a level of confidence that surpassed Bonferroni correction. Along with the SNP locus S01_72868925, other top SNP loci were also associated with genes that are known to play critical roles in plant defense or plant stress responses.

Colletotrichum sublineola是一种破坏性真菌病原体,可导致高粱炭疽病。目前正在考虑将塞内加尔高粱种质作为遗传抗性来源的一种选择。在最近的一项研究中,评估了塞内加尔高粱种质对温室中 8 叶期C. sublineola德克萨斯分离株混合物的反应。作为比较,使用离体叶试验评估了 159 份处于 1 叶发育阶段的塞内加尔高粱种质与德克萨斯州的C. sublineola (FSP53) 的单一分离株。基于获得的表型数据进行了全基因组关联研究 (GWAS),以发现与对C. sublineola的反应相关的遗传变异在整个基因组中使用 193,727 个单核苷酸多态性 (SNP)。在之前的实验中,与在温室 8 叶期接种的高粱植物相比,高粱幼苗往往具有更强的抗性。基于在每个种质的 1 叶发育阶段切除叶测定中评估的最高分数,16 个种质被标记为易感。GWAS 鉴定了与蛋白激酶结构域相关的 SNP 基因座 S01_72868925 // 富含亮氨酸的重复 N 末端结构域,置信水平超过 Bonferroni 校正。除了 SNP 基因座 S01_72868925,其他顶级 SNP 基因座也与已知在植物防御或植物应激反应中起关键作用的基因相关。