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Excess PbI2 Management via Multimode Supramolecular Complex Engineering Enables High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells
Advanced Energy Materials ( IF 24.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-28 , DOI: 10.1002/aenm.202201663
Hengkai Zhang 1, 2, 3 , Wei Yu 1, 4 , Junxue Guo 4 , Chao Xu 5 , Zhiwei Ren 1, 2 , Kuan Liu 1, 2 , Guang Yang 3 , Minchao Qin 6 , Jiaming Huang 1, 2 , Zhiliang Chen 1 , Qiong Liang 1, 2 , Dong Shen 7 , Zehan Wu 5 , Yaokang Zhang 8 , Hrisheekesh Thachoth Chandran 1, 2 , Jianhua Hao 5 , Ye Zhu 5 , Chun‐sing Lee 7 , Xinhui Lu 6 , Zijian Zheng 8 , Jinsong Huang 3 , Gang Li 1, 2

Excess PbI2 in perovskite film is an effective strategy for boosting perovskite solar cells (PSCs) performance. However, the presence of unreacted PbI2 is a critical source of intrinsic instability in perovskite under illumination, due to the photolysis of PbI2 (decomposed into metallic lead and iodine). Herein, this issue is solved by applying ionic liquids (ILs) on PSCs where the ILs can form types of stable supramolecules with residual lead iodide. The formation process and mechanism of the supramolecules are elucidated. The residual PbI2 is also revealed to cause high level lead interstitial defects and induced tensile strain which further deteriorate device performance. The self-assembled supramolecular complex can passivate the PSCs where significant enhancements are achieved in both power conversion efficiency (PCE, from 21.9% to 23.4%) and device stability (retaining 95% of the initial PCE after 4080 h in ambient dry-air storage, and 80% after 1400 h continuous light illumination).


通过多模超分子复合工程管理过量的 PbI2 可实现高性能钙钛矿太阳能电池

钙钛矿薄膜中过量的 PbI 2是提高钙钛矿太阳能电池 (PSC) 性能的有效策略。然而,由于 PbI 2的光解(分解成金属铅和碘),未反应的 PbI 2的存在是钙钛矿在光照下内在不稳定性的关键来源。本文通过在 PSCs 上应用离子液体 (ILs) 解决了这个问题,其中 ILs 可以与残留的碘化铅形成稳定的超分子类型。阐明了超分子的形成过程和机制。残留 PbI 2还发现会导致高水平的铅间隙缺陷和诱导的拉伸应变,从而进一步降低器件性能。自组装的超分子复合物可以钝化 PSC,在功率转换效率(PCE,从 21.9% 到 23.4%)和器件稳定性(在环境干燥空气储存 4080 小时后保留初始 PCE 的 95%)方面都实现了显着提高, 和 1400 小时连续光照后的 80%)。