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How Much Do Severely Injured Athletes Experience Sport Injury-Related Growth? Contrasting Psychological, Situational, and Demographic Predictors
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-07 , DOI: 10.1123/jsep.2021-0282
Katja M Pollak 1 , Lea Boecker 2 , Chris Englert 3 , David D Loschelder 2

Sport injury-related growth (SIRG) describes the possibility for athletes to benefit psychologically from an injury. The present, preregistered online study examined an international sample of 335 athletes with impressive athletic biographies who sustained a severe sport-related injury. Expanding the extant literature, we empirically contrasted numerous psychological, situational, and demographic predictors of perceived SIRG—specifically, athletes’ optimism, coping style, self-efficacy, athletic identity, social support, need satisfaction, and injury centrality. Our data first provide empirical evidence for perceived SIRG, even when statistically controlling for a potential social-desirability bias in athletes’ responses. In addition, frequentist and Bayesian regression analyses showed that several psychological variables predicted perceived SIRG—particularly athletes’ informational social support, positive reframing, optimism, and injury centrality. Finally, post hoc mediation analyses showed how these psychological variables account for different levels of perceived SIRG as a function of demographic variables. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed, along with directions for future research.



运动损伤相关增长 (SIRG) 描述了运动员从受伤中获得心理益处的可能性。目前,预先注册的在线研究检查了 335 名运动员的国际样本,这些运动员有令人印象深刻的运动传记,他们遭受了严重的运动相关伤害。扩展现有文献,我们凭经验对比了感知 SIRG 的众多心理、情境和人口统计预测因素——具体而言,运动员的乐观情绪、应对方式、自我效能、运动认同、社会支持、需求满意度和伤害中心性。我们的数据首先为感知 SIRG 提供了经验证据,即使在统计上控制了运动员反应中潜在的社会期望偏差。此外,常客和贝叶斯回归分析表明,几个心理变量可以预测感知到的 SIRG——特别是运动员的信息社会支持、积极的重构、乐观和伤害中心性。最后,事后中介分析显示了这些心理变量如何将不同水平的感知 SIRG 解释为人口变量的函数。讨论了理论和实践意义,以及未来研究的方向。
