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IRF3 and IRF7 require SIRT1 for liquid–liquid phase separation and transactivation of INF-I
Nature Immunology ( IF 27.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-25 , DOI: 10.1038/s41590-022-01270-7

Deacetylation of specific lysine residues in the DNA-binding domain of the transcription factors IRF3 and IRF7 by SIRT1 is necessary for liquid–liquid phase separation and transactivation of type I interferons. SIRT1 agonists partially restored the impaired innate immune responses in senescent cells and aged mice, suggestive of a possible strategy for preventing innate immunosenescence.


IRF3 和 IRF7 需要 SIRT1 进行液-液相分离和 INF-I 的反式激活

SIRT1 对转录因子 IRF3 和 IRF7 的 DNA 结合域中特定赖氨酸残基的去乙酰化是液-液相分离和 I 型干扰素反式激活所必需的。SIRT1 激动剂部分恢复了衰老细胞和老年小鼠中受损的先天免疫反应,这提示了一种预防先天免疫衰老的可能策略。