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White Habitus Among Polish White Female Converts to Islam
Sociology of Religion ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-25 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srac021
Anna Piela 1 , Joanna Krotofil 2

This article addresses the question of how the racial habitus of Polish White female converts (PWFCs) to Islam is performed in different social settings. We draw from in-depth interviews with 35 PWFCs living in Poland and the United Kingdom. While the notion of habitus has been used to analyze socialization into Islam, racial habitus has not been analyzed in relation to White converts to Islam. We argue that White habitus is an important concept that elucidates racial positioning among White converts in multiracial Muslim settings. Whiteness, often indexed in the data as “Europeanness,” is foundational for the PWFC identity. Furthermore, we extend the understanding of how Whiteness operates in Eastern Europe through the analysis of the White habitus among those who occupy non-normative places in racial and religious hierarchies. Thus, this article contributes to a growing body of scholarship on decentering Whiteness in Eastern Europe.



本文探讨了波兰白人女性皈依伊斯兰教 (PWFC) 的种族习性如何在不同的社会环境中表现出来的问题。我们对居住在波兰和英国的 35 名 PWFC 进行了深入访谈。虽然惯习的概念已被用来分析社会化为伊斯兰教,但种族惯习尚未被分析与白人皈依伊斯兰教的关系。我们认为,白人惯习是一个重要概念,它阐明了多种族穆斯林环境中白人皈依者的种族定位。白度,通常在数据中被索引为“欧洲人”,是 PWFC 身份的基础。此外,我们通过分析在种族和宗教等级制度中占据非规范位置的人的白人习惯,扩展了对白人如何在东欧运作的理解。因此,