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Composition and functionality of bacterioplankton communities in marine coastal zones adjacent to finfish aquaculture
Marine Pollution Bulletin ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113957
R R P Da Silva 1 , C A White 1 , J P Bowman 2 , D J Ross 1

Finfish aquaculture is a fast-growing primary industry and is increasingly common in coastal ecosystems. Bacterioplankton is ubiquitous in marine environment and respond rapidly to environmental changes. Changes in bacterioplankton community are not well understood in semi-enclosed stratified embayments. This study aims to examine aquaculture effects in the composition and functional profiles of the bacterioplankton community using amplicon sequencing along a distance gradient from two finfish leases in a marine embayment. Results revealed natural stratification in bacterioplankton associated to NOx, conductivity, salinity, temperature and PO4. Among the differentially abundant bacteria in leases, we found members associated with nutrient enrichment and aquaculture activities. Abundant predicted functions near leases were assigned to organic matter degradation, fermentation, and antibiotic resistance. This study provides a first effort to describe changes in the bacterioplankton community composition and function due to finfish aquaculture in a semi-enclosed and highly stratified embayment with a significant freshwater input.



鱼类水产养殖是一个快速发展的初级产业,在沿海生态系统中越来越普遍。浮游细菌在海洋环境中无处不在,对环境变化反应迅速。在半封闭的分层海湾中,浮游细菌群落的变化尚不清楚。本研究旨在使用扩增子测序沿海洋海湾中两条有鳍鱼租约的距离梯度检查水产养殖对浮游细菌群落的组成和功能概况的影响。结果揭示了与 NOx、电​​导率、盐度、温度和 PO 4相关的浮游细菌的自然分层. 在租约中差异丰富的细菌中,我们发现了与营养丰富和水产养殖活动相关的成员。租约附近的大量预测功能被分配给有机物降解、发酵和抗生素耐药性。本研究首次尝试描述由于在具有大量淡水输入的半封闭和高度分层的海湾中的有鳍鱼类水产养殖而导致的浮游细菌群落组成和功能的变化。
