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A Zeolitic Octahedral Metal Oxide with Ultra-Microporosity for Inverse CO2/C2H2 Separation at High Temperature and Humidity
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202209121
Baokai Ma 1 , Denan Li 1 , Qianqian Zhu 1 , Yanshuo Li 1, 2 , Wataru Ueda 3 , Zhenxin Zhang 1

Ultra-microporous zeolitic octahedral metal oxide is used for CO2 capture over C2H2 to obtain highly pure C2H2 directly. The material not only shows high separation performance at low temperatures but also at high temperatures and humidities.


一种具有超微孔性的沸石八面体金属氧化物在高温高湿条件下反分离 CO2/C2H2

采用超微孔沸石八面体金属氧化物在C 2 H 2上捕获CO 2 ,​​直接获得高纯度C 2 H 2。该材料不仅在低温下表现出高分离性能,而且在高温和高湿条件下也表现出高分离性能。