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Sociotechnical Considerations About Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal
Annual Review of Marine Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-18 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-marine-032122-113850
Sarah R Cooley 1 , Sonja Klinsky 2 , David R Morrow 3, 4 , Terre Satterfield 5

Ocean carbon dioxide removal (OCDR) is rapidly attracting interest, as climate change is putting ecosystems at risk and endangering human communities globally. Due to the centrality of the ocean in the global carbon cycle, augmenting the carbon sequestration capacity of the ocean could be a powerful mechanism for the removal of legacy excess emissions. However, OCDR requires careful assessment due to the unique biophysical characteristics of the ocean and its centrality in the Earth system and many social systems. Using a sociotechnical system lens, this review identifies the sets of considerations that need to be included within robust assessments for OCDR decision-making. Specifically, it lays out the state of technical assessments of OCDR approaches along with key financial concerns, social issues (including public perceptions), and the underlying ethical debates and concerns that would need to be addressed if OCDR were to be deployed as a carbon dioxide removal strategy.



由于气候变化使生态系统面临风险并危及全球人类社区,海洋二氧化碳清除(OCDR)正在迅速引起人们的兴趣。由于海洋在全球碳循环中的中心地位,增强海洋的碳封存能力可能是消除遗留过剩排放的强大机制。然而,由于海洋独特的生物物理特征及其在地球系统和许多社会系统中的中心地位,OCDR 需要仔细评估。本次审查使用社会技术系统视角,确定了 OCDR 决策的稳健评估中需要包含的一系列考虑因素。具体来说,它列出了 OCDR 方法的技术评估状况,以及关键的财务问题、社会问题(包括公众看法),以及如果将 OCDR 作为二氧化碳部署,则需要解决的潜在道德辩论和问题去除策略。