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Visual Framing of the Rohingya Refugees: A Comparative Examination from Newspapers in four Countries
Visual Communication Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/15551393.2022.2096030
Bimbisar Irom , Porismita Borah , Stephanie Gibbons

Media depictions of refugees play a significant role in determining public attitudes toward policies and dispensation of aid. Given this centrality, the study analyzes prominent visual frames of the Rohingya refugee crisis in newspapers from Pakistan, Bangladesh, the United States, and Canada. We also examine the frames qualitatively. Findings show that overall coverage tended to focus on negative aspects by highlighting refugees’ vast numbers, vulnerability, gendered stereotypes, and dependence on Western benevolence. Results show cross-cultural appeal of frames such as “Exodus” and “mother and child,” both of which have roots in the Biblical tradition. Even though visuals came from different sources, there were not many differences among the newspapers. This suggests the role of standardized journalistic routines across multiple organizations.



