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Building bridges to advance the Community of Inquiry framework for online learning
Educational Psychologist ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-07-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00461520.2022.2089989
Peter Shea 1 , Jennifer Richardson 2 , Karen Swan 3


The COVID-19 pandemic forced institutions of higher education around the world to quickly transition to forms of distance education, including synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Often lacking conceptual, empirical, and practical understanding of online pedagogy, many institutions have met this endeavor with mixed success. It seems inevitable that online learning will continue to play a key role in all sectors of education and, accordingly, that online pedagogy deserves a more mainstream focus. To help build a joint understanding of foundational knowledge between the online learning, educational technology, and educational psychology communities, in this article, we summarize the most frequently cited conceptual model that shapes research and practice in the field of higher education online learning: the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. We describe the original CoI model and its foundational components (i.e., cognitive, social, and teaching presence) and highlight opportunities for improvement of the model by incorporating the educational psychology and learning sciences research base to inform: (1) conceptualizations of the social dimensions of collaborative learning and (2) understanding of learner contributions to online collaborative education including self-, co-, and shared regulation of learning. We propose that a new, more comprehensive conceptualization of the regulation of collaborative online learning be integrated into the existing CoI framework and that a new “presence” be referenced going forward—“Learning Presence.” Through this work, we strive to develop a more nuanced, generative, and informed vision of the future of online learning informed by relevant contemporary conceptualizations in educational psychology.




COVID-19 大流行迫使世界各地的高等教育机构迅速过渡到远程教育形式,包括同步和异步在线学习。许多机构通常缺乏对在线教学法的概念性、经验性和实践性理解,但在这方面的努力却喜忧参半。在线学习似乎不可避免地将继续在所有教育领域发挥关键作用,因此,在线教学法值得更加主流的关注。为了帮助在在线学习、教育技术和教育心理学社区之间建立对基础知识的共同理解,在本文中,我们总结了影响高等教育在线学习领域研究和实践的最常被引用的概念模型:调查社区 (CoI) 框架。我们描述了原始的 CoI 模型及其基本组成部分(即认知、社会和教学存在),并强调了通过结合教育心理学和学习科学研究基础来改进模型的机会:(1)社会维度的概念化(2) 了解学习者对在线协作教育的贡献,包括自我、合作和共享的学习规则。我们建议将协作在线学习监管的新的、更全面的概念化整合到现有的 CoI 框架中,并在未来引用一个新的“存在”——“学习存在”。通过这项工作,我们努力开发一种更加细致入微、更具生产力、
